Acting as a way to reboot the classic science fiction drama of the original Planet of the Apes, Rise of the Planet of the Apes shows how it all began and what lead the apes to rise up. When scientist, Will Rodman researches what he believes to be a cure for Alzheimer's on a group of chimpanzees he discovers the virus strain, ALZ-112 has other prolonged advantages. Mid way through the presentation that could have seen the virus accepted in the medical community, one of the testing chimpanzees escapes and causes mayhem ruining the pitch. As Will finds out later the outburst was caused by maternal instincts after being separated from her child and not related to the virus, which leads him to take in the orphaned ape Caesar to avoid him being killed and also to continue the virus testing which in turn lead to possibilities and also consequences way beyond what he had imagined.
James Franco takes to the role of Will Rodman and shows he can take on serious roles again (127 Hours) instead of dire comedies (Your Highness) giving the scientist that human edge and in the same shoes giving Caesar the loving and caring father figure despite difference in species. Will's father Charles Rodman, is played by the extremely talented John Lithgow showing the suffering Alzheimer's patient and alongside Will a character that shares a close bond with Caesar and a reflection of the parental instincts. Freido Pinto is used only midly as a way to add another human element to the story and could have been used on a better scale though still played the role well. Appearing as the animal abusive and morally grey shade of society is Steven jacobs (David oyelowe) Will's boss who only cares whats on the paycheck, not what it's for. The other figures at play are the owners of the primate facility John Landon (Brian Cox) and son Dodge (Tom Felton) who takes personal joy in the abuse of the animals and adding to the emotional struggle of Caesar. Though the greatest achievement in characterization was with Caesar (Andy Serkis + CGI) who showed the brilliance of the progression of technology and also the sheer level of emotion that could be shown through Caesar and the role he takes in the film as he himself evolves from a victim to much, much more.
This Film reboots the franchise and adds a breath of fresh air to an old Sci-fi flick that's gone past it's prime (No pun intended) It dosent focus on the action and explosive nature of most Sci-fi films these days but plays at the emotional strings of the audience showing what led apes to resent humanity enough to rise up. Though its Science fiction it's also a drama (maybe even coming-of -age tale) and manages to merge the two and create a great hybrid balancing them both in equal measure. With good acting, amazing CGI and enough of an emotional impact to make you stop and think, Rise of the Planet of the Apes proves it's not just another addition to an aging franchise but a film in itself with more of a kick than the majority of predecessors and by that an above all stand out film of 2011.
8 / 10
James Franco takes to the role of Will Rodman and shows he can take on serious roles again (127 Hours) instead of dire comedies (Your Highness) giving the scientist that human edge and in the same shoes giving Caesar the loving and caring father figure despite difference in species. Will's father Charles Rodman, is played by the extremely talented John Lithgow showing the suffering Alzheimer's patient and alongside Will a character that shares a close bond with Caesar and a reflection of the parental instincts. Freido Pinto is used only midly as a way to add another human element to the story and could have been used on a better scale though still played the role well. Appearing as the animal abusive and morally grey shade of society is Steven jacobs (David oyelowe) Will's boss who only cares whats on the paycheck, not what it's for. The other figures at play are the owners of the primate facility John Landon (Brian Cox) and son Dodge (Tom Felton) who takes personal joy in the abuse of the animals and adding to the emotional struggle of Caesar. Though the greatest achievement in characterization was with Caesar (Andy Serkis + CGI) who showed the brilliance of the progression of technology and also the sheer level of emotion that could be shown through Caesar and the role he takes in the film as he himself evolves from a victim to much, much more.
This Film reboots the franchise and adds a breath of fresh air to an old Sci-fi flick that's gone past it's prime (No pun intended) It dosent focus on the action and explosive nature of most Sci-fi films these days but plays at the emotional strings of the audience showing what led apes to resent humanity enough to rise up. Though its Science fiction it's also a drama (maybe even coming-of -age tale) and manages to merge the two and create a great hybrid balancing them both in equal measure. With good acting, amazing CGI and enough of an emotional impact to make you stop and think, Rise of the Planet of the Apes proves it's not just another addition to an aging franchise but a film in itself with more of a kick than the majority of predecessors and by that an above all stand out film of 2011.
8 / 10
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