Impossibly the fourth in the franchise isn't a mission too far and proves itself a worthy edition. Ethan hunt is back, after breaking out of prison in Moscow with the help of the IMF he's brought up to speed and forced into a new mission to infiltrate the heart of Russia itself, the Kremlin. Mid mission things go sour and the operation is called off as Hunt still in disguise escapes the Kremlin behind him bursts into flames, the Russians view this as an act of war sending Hunt and his team on the run. Meeting with the secretary of defense in secret Hunt is informed that the whole IMF has been disbanded, Hunt is on his own and the orders are to take him in... Unless he chooses to accept a new mission. The president activates ghost protocol meaning the remnants of the IMF must on their own discover who's responsible for bombing the Kremlin, bring them to justice and at the same time prevent a nuclear holocaust sparking between Russia and America.
Tom Cruise is Ethan Hunt, the part can't go to anyone else he made it what it is and while some of his previous missions haven't been mind numbingly good Cruise's performance has always been the standing symbol of continuity of the films despite anything else. Adding another dose of action to this particular mission is Jeremy Renner as intelligence analyst William Brandt who is suspiciously good enough to be an IMF agent himself and holding some cards close to his chest, while as a part Renner is more than enough to partner up with Cruise's action and presents another character who while not upstaging adds an element of heroics to the new team. The femme fatale of the film Paula Patton as agent Jane carter adds a slick thrust of style, sex appeal and action into her role while appearing as a bond girl she shows she packs enough of a punch to play with the big boys. Simon Pegg continues his role from the third film, and plays his character Benji Dunn and bringing the humor and underplayed jokes with their ensuing amusement to the film.
Being the Fourth installment of a quite established franchise that can't quite work out if it's serious or not, Ghost protocol kicks an explosive missile into the audience by abandoning all thought out plot points and development and instead hitting on all counts with extreme action. The previous films may have been taking themselves too seriously and as such when it came to judging them people weren't sure how to look at Ethan Hunt as a new found action hero or simply a cliche, yet Ghost protocol knows what it is and taking a laid back approach it focuses on the good aspects of it's predecessors and throws them all into one. Ghost protocol may actually be the best mission yet with it's action and slick style bringing in enough of a story to make the two hours and a bit actually have steady plot-line. While in no way is this the be all and end all of cinematography around the world it, certainly is an explosive kick start to 2012 movie line up promising a larger bunch of blockbuster moments and if this is what's to go by Mission: Impossible 5 may be a sequel to look forward to.
8 / 10
Tom Cruise is Ethan Hunt, the part can't go to anyone else he made it what it is and while some of his previous missions haven't been mind numbingly good Cruise's performance has always been the standing symbol of continuity of the films despite anything else. Adding another dose of action to this particular mission is Jeremy Renner as intelligence analyst William Brandt who is suspiciously good enough to be an IMF agent himself and holding some cards close to his chest, while as a part Renner is more than enough to partner up with Cruise's action and presents another character who while not upstaging adds an element of heroics to the new team. The femme fatale of the film Paula Patton as agent Jane carter adds a slick thrust of style, sex appeal and action into her role while appearing as a bond girl she shows she packs enough of a punch to play with the big boys. Simon Pegg continues his role from the third film, and plays his character Benji Dunn and bringing the humor and underplayed jokes with their ensuing amusement to the film.
Being the Fourth installment of a quite established franchise that can't quite work out if it's serious or not, Ghost protocol kicks an explosive missile into the audience by abandoning all thought out plot points and development and instead hitting on all counts with extreme action. The previous films may have been taking themselves too seriously and as such when it came to judging them people weren't sure how to look at Ethan Hunt as a new found action hero or simply a cliche, yet Ghost protocol knows what it is and taking a laid back approach it focuses on the good aspects of it's predecessors and throws them all into one. Ghost protocol may actually be the best mission yet with it's action and slick style bringing in enough of a story to make the two hours and a bit actually have steady plot-line. While in no way is this the be all and end all of cinematography around the world it, certainly is an explosive kick start to 2012 movie line up promising a larger bunch of blockbuster moments and if this is what's to go by Mission: Impossible 5 may be a sequel to look forward to.
8 / 10
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