On the day you hit 25 your life begins... Once you hit that age you stop aging and your earnings become your life, so the social Darwinsm of the situation is the poor die young, while the rich can live forever, until one man decides to give his time away. Will Salas is just another worker in the system of such a corrupt life who saves every second of time in an attempt to survive as long as possible, one day Will meets Henry Hamilton a man with a century of life ticking away though a man who understands the flaws of the system enough to hate it. Henry gives all of his remaining time to Will as he sleeps leaving him the message 'Don't waste my time' so Will sets out a newly made man willing to make a difference in the system of life.
Right of the bat while Justin Timberlake may have some occasional moments of charisma as the lead (Will Salas) his character seems to be missing the spark of genius that really should drag you into his story or it could be the fact Timberlake doesn't bring the character to life. Amanda Seyfried doesn't bring much to the film in her prim and posh character(Slyvia Weiss) turning almost instantly from rich girl to the Bonnie to Timberlake's Clyde, which is where the story really dives away from the brilliant concept. Cillian Murphy is a saving grace to the films roster playing a character who actually seems different and who could have a decent story... if it were fleshed out, but instead he's placed as the antagonist with hints at a story but no real depth or time given for him to develop it. Other than that the supporting cast is actually quite good and at times more convincing than the main characters from Olivia wilde's painfully short on screen time to Matt Bomer as Henry Hamilton and his own undeveloped story of a man sick of life.
While having a brilliant concept and so many possibilities where the story could really develop into something new and unique, the first segment is used to set the scene and pull you in only to throw a fairly jumbled and dull story of as mentioned above a Bonnie and Clyde scenario really wasting all the potential the film had to give. The story is fairly dull as the film carries on and you gradually begin to lose interest in the characters even though the potential for the world around them is clearly there the film abandons it to show the two central characters and their own thwarted efforts to change the world. Not exactly the worst film of 2011 and it is still quite watchable in it's own right, but it's in no way one of the best this year even though it really had a moment of ingenuity in it's idea at first, the actual way it was presented fell miles short of what i was hoping for from something with so much promise.
4 / 10
Right of the bat while Justin Timberlake may have some occasional moments of charisma as the lead (Will Salas) his character seems to be missing the spark of genius that really should drag you into his story or it could be the fact Timberlake doesn't bring the character to life. Amanda Seyfried doesn't bring much to the film in her prim and posh character(Slyvia Weiss) turning almost instantly from rich girl to the Bonnie to Timberlake's Clyde, which is where the story really dives away from the brilliant concept. Cillian Murphy is a saving grace to the films roster playing a character who actually seems different and who could have a decent story... if it were fleshed out, but instead he's placed as the antagonist with hints at a story but no real depth or time given for him to develop it. Other than that the supporting cast is actually quite good and at times more convincing than the main characters from Olivia wilde's painfully short on screen time to Matt Bomer as Henry Hamilton and his own undeveloped story of a man sick of life.
While having a brilliant concept and so many possibilities where the story could really develop into something new and unique, the first segment is used to set the scene and pull you in only to throw a fairly jumbled and dull story of as mentioned above a Bonnie and Clyde scenario really wasting all the potential the film had to give. The story is fairly dull as the film carries on and you gradually begin to lose interest in the characters even though the potential for the world around them is clearly there the film abandons it to show the two central characters and their own thwarted efforts to change the world. Not exactly the worst film of 2011 and it is still quite watchable in it's own right, but it's in no way one of the best this year even though it really had a moment of ingenuity in it's idea at first, the actual way it was presented fell miles short of what i was hoping for from something with so much promise.
4 / 10
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