Impossibly the fourth in the franchise isn't a mission too far and proves itself a worthy edition. Ethan hunt is back, after breaking out of prison in Moscow with the help of the IMF he's brought up to speed and forced into a new mission to infiltrate the heart of Russia itself, the Kremlin. Mid mission things go sour and the operation is called off as Hunt still in disguise escapes the Kremlin behind him bursts into flames, the Russians view this as an act of war sending Hunt and his team on the run. Meeting with the secretary of defense in secret Hunt is informed that the whole IMF has been disbanded, Hunt is on his own and the orders are to take him in... Unless he chooses to accept a new mission. The president activates ghost protocol meaning the remnants of the IMF must on their own discover who's responsible for bombing the Kremlin, bring them to justice and at the same time prevent a nuclear holocaust sparking between Russia and America. Tom Cruis...