On the day you hit 25 your life begins... Once you hit that age you stop aging and your earnings become your life, so the social Darwinsm of the situation is the poor die young, while the rich can live forever, until one man decides to give his time away. Will Salas is just another worker in the system of such a corrupt life who saves every second of time in an attempt to survive as long as possible, one day Will meets Henry Hamilton a man with a century of life ticking away though a man who understands the flaws of the system enough to hate it. Henry gives all of his remaining time to Will as he sleeps leaving him the message 'Don't waste my time' so Will sets out a newly made man willing to make a difference in the system of life. Right of the bat while Justin Timberlake may have some occasional moments of charisma as the lead (Will Salas) his character seems to be missing the spark of genius that really should drag you into his story or it could be the fact Timberla...