Gone is Matt Damon and in his place rises Jeremy Renner, for once in the leading man's shoes. Aaron Cross an agent of the Outcome project funded by the CIA is sent on a training exercise traversing the mountains of Alaska with pills which give him a boost in both mentality and physical strength, green and blue. When he arrives at his target finish and finds another agent he thinks things are done and dusted, unbeknownst to him across the world Jason Bourne is busy exposing the CIA's other pet projects to the world. Fearing the Outcome project could also come out if the FBI dig deep enough, Eric Byer is called upon to make sure that the project remains hidden, the decision being to terminate all existing agents part of the programme. When a Predator drone arrives to get rid of Cross however the CIA realize just how effective the Outcome project is, determined not to die at the hands of his employers Cross sets out to survive. Also surviving after witnessing her colleague mow dow...